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Mount Eliza Osteopath

So, how is an Osteopath different?

We understand that there are still people around who aren't aware of what an Osteopath actually does.


All the therapy boxes are checked, right?

You might have your rehab exercises prescribed by one therapist, manipulative treatment provided by another. Someone might talk to you about mindfulness and someone else might provide the massage or dry needling.


Osteopaths do it all! And we have been since 1892 (go ahead and Google when other therapy modalities began). 


We have a huge bag of tricks, which means we can target our treatment to you as an individual. Likewise, if you prefer that we avoid any particular technique, we'll get you sorted using the approach you're comfortable with.

What do Osteopaths do?

Osteopaths focus on your neuro-musculoskeletal system - the bones, muscles, nerves and other tissues that support your body and control its movements. They know how parts of your body should work together and the impact if they do not.

Osteopaths are trained to provide:

  • Musculoskeletal and nervous system assessments – they use a range of tools to identify what might be happening in the body.

  • Manual therapy – includes a range of ‘hands-on’ techniques that may give relief from musculoskeletal pain, discomfort and may help tissues in the body.

  • Clinical exercise programs – activities and movement strategies for use at home, work or in other settings. Exercise may help you return to activities you enjoy, for example, after an injury or surgery.

  • Movement, postural, positioning advice and ergonomic assessments.

  • Therapeutic needling techniques, like dry needling, trigger point therapy or acupuncture.

  • Advice about your lifestyle, stress management, diet or other factors that may influence your pain, injury or movement.

This information has been collected from Osteopathy Australia.

Want to know more about Osteopathy? Head to

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