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Find Relief For Your Neck Pain



You reaching your goals is our key driver! We are committed to you and each other.

We treat you like you are our Mum, our Dad or a professional athlete.

We have fun whilst we deliver exceptional outcomes.


We are passionate about growth and learning.

We go the extra mile so you can too.

We stay up to date with research. We integrate our passion for continuous learning into your healthcare!


Osteopaths possess an extensive array of manual therapy options, granting us the ability to tailor our approach to align precisely with your preferences and comfort level.




We are relentless in our pursuit of delivering the best outcomes for you. We know that the positive reinforcement of a healthy mindset towards health is critical for long term success. We make you the king/queen of your domain.

Back Pain Osteopath

Lachlan Allen


Mount Eliza Osteopath

Amy Conca



Our osteopaths have a genuine passion for helping people ease their pain and improve their wellbeing.

People just like you!

Osteopath for Neck Pain in Frankston, Mornington and Mount Eliza

Neck pain has become a prevalent concern, often linked to our contemporary way of living. The resulting soreness can significantly impede your daily activities and overall quality of life. If you reside in Mount Martha, Mornington, or Frankston, relief from neck pain is within reach.


Welcome to YouMove Osteopathy, your premier osteopathic clinic in Mount Eliza. Our team of skilled osteopaths will use a combination of hands-on manual therapy, along with ergonomic and self-care advice, to help improve your mobility, release tension in your muscles and promote overall wellbeing.


We understand the impact that neck pain can have on your life. Which is why we are committed to provided tailored management plans that focus on helping you achieve you move better and feel better.


Neck pain comes in two forms:


Acute Neck Pain

Acute neck pain by definition, has been troubling you for less than 3 months. Acute neck pain usually comes on rapidly and is often accompanied by a noticeable reduction in your neck's range of motion and intense discomfort. This type of pain can result from incidents that strain the neck, although many individuals report waking up with a stiff neck that gradually worsens over the following hours.


The reassuring aspect of acute neck pain is that it usually shows improvement over the following weeks, and under the guidance of our experienced Mount Eliza osteopaths, you give yourself the best chance to accelerate your recovery journey.


At YouMove Osteopathy, we employ specialized tools such as a goniometer to quantify your progress, providing you with tangible evidence of improvement. Once your pain level decreases and your range of motion improves, we provide practical advice to minimize the risk of recurrence.


Chronic Neck Pain​

Better referred to as persistent neck pain, chronic neck pain, by definition, has been troubling you for at least three months. Some people tell us they have suffered for many years.


The approach to this type of neck pain needs to be different. Injured tissues don't take years to heal so chronic neck pain requires us to consider the maintaining factors for your pain. This will involve assessing the way YouMove and treating according to your specific characteristics. It is also important that we have a good look at lifestyle factors such as posture, ergonomics, how long you spend sitting and minimising the effect that stress has on muscle tension.


Simple home-based rehab exercises can help, but anyone who has suffered chronic neck pain will know this often isn't the answer.


Pain that has been around for longer than three months is complicated. Even the transmission of nerve signals is altered in chronic pain, so you need to see an osteopath who understands pain to this complexity, an osteopath who will consider your case from an individual perspective.


Reach out for help with your neck pain


Our Osteopaths will take the time to hear your story. We will work hard to get you feeling better and work with you to develop an individualized treatment plan.


So, if you’re not getting the answers you are looking for, give us a call, or book online for an appointment with one of our Mount Eliza osteopaths.


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