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Osteopath performing osteopathy treatment on a client from Mornington Peninsula

Osteopath Mornington Peninsula

It's difficult, confusing and can be frustrating to find the right Mornington Peninsula osteopath for you.

Most people choose us because we take the time to listen intently, assess thoroughly, and treat purposefully. 

Our osteopaths are here to help ease your pain. We will also address the causative factors contributing to your condition to help get you feeling and moving better.

Patient from Mornington Peninsula receiving osteopathy treatment






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Results Based Mornington Peninsula Osteopathy Treatments Designed Just For You

We have a huge bag of tricks to help deliver the best results possible


With such a wide range of treatment options, YouMove Osteopathy Mornington Peninsula will utilise the best approach for your specific condition, using techniques that you are comfortable with.


Your osteopath may use massage, active release technique, counterstrain technique, PNF stretching, MET (muscle energy technique), dry needling, joint articulation, joint manipulation and mobilisation.


They couple this with a no nonsense take home rehabilitation plan that empowers you to manage your pain, so that you're not endlessly relying on osteopathy treatments and resulting in a better long term outcome.


Our experienced Mornington Peninsula osteopaths keep up to date with the latest medical research, rehabilitation principles and pain reduction techniques to help you feel better whilst you get better

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We Listen

We will listen to your problem and draw up an action plan to get you started on your road to recovery.

We will listen to your problem and gather information from your medical history, current symptoms, and lifestyle.

We will also perform a physical assessment of your problem.


Through this process, we aim to understand the root cause of your health issues and develop a personalised action plan to get you started on your road to recovery.

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We Treat

We will provide hands-on manual treatment to help get you moving and feeling better.

We will provide hands-on manual treatment to help get you moving and feeling better.

Osteopaths are equipped with a huge range of manual therapy techniques. This allows us to utilise the techniques you are comfortable with.

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You Move

We draw upon your medical history and examination findings to provide you with simple exercise and lifestyle advice to empower you to make meaningful changes in your own life.

We provide simple exercise and advice to empower you to make meaningful changes in your life.

We take into account your health and lifestyle as we tailor a movement program to address your specific needs. Because nobody moves like YouMove.

"I love being a part of the Mornington community and helping  people improve their health and wellbeing."

Lachlan Allen
Move Osteopath

Patient receiving osteopathy treatment for sports injury and performance

Getting you back on the sporting field and staying there, performing at your best, is something we'll work hard to achieve.

Sports Injury / Performance


Osteopaths can assist with headache by looking at dysfunctions found in the neck and jaw

Headache / Migraine

Patient receiving osteopathy treatment for tendon and ligament pain

At YouMove Osteopathy, you can rest assured that you will be given the right recovery plan to see the quickest results possible with tendon-related pain.

Tendon / Ligamant Pain

Patient receiving osteopathy treatment for back pain and injury

We can help relieve back pain through a combination of manual therapies, exercise prescription, and lifestyle advice.

Back Pain & Injury

Patient receiving osteopathy treatment for neck pain and injury

We will take the time to hear your story, and work hard to help ease your pain and improve your neck mobility.

Neck Pain & Injury

Patient receiving osteopathy treatment for shoulder pain and injury

We will perform apply relevant hands on techniques, along with home based exercises to restore your shoulder capacity as quickly as possible.

Shoulder Pain & Injury

How To Choose The Best Osteopath In Mornington Peninsula


The best osteopath is one who listens, gives you time you need and the attention you deserve. 


A good osteopath will take the time to understand your condition, how it is affecting your life, and what you want to achieve. They will then perform a thorough assessment and deliver safe, evidence-based treatments that are tailored to your individual needs.


The right Mornington Peninsula osteopath for you is one who has experience in treating your particular type of pain or injury. At You Move Osteopathy, we have a particular interest in sports performance, exercise prescription, tendon and ligament injuries, headaches, migraines, and all types of pain, especially head, neck, back, and shoulder pain.


Our Mornington Peninsula osteopaths are registered practitioners with AHPRA and members of Osteopathy Australia. They are also highly trained in a variety of manual therapy techniques, including soft tissue massage, joint mobilisation, joint manipulation, stretching, muscle energy technique, positional release, dry needling, and sports taping.


We will work with you to find the best approach for your individual needs, using techniques that you are comfortable with. We will also provide you with a take-home rehabilitation plan so that you can learn to manage your own pain and improve your overall health and well-being.


Evidence Based Osteopathy Treatments â€‹Mornington Peninsula


Imagine if your osteopath was so dedicated to helping you, they spent hours acquiring the knowledge and skills to decipher the unique characteristics of your specific conditions, then created a personalised treatment plan to help you move better, feel better and get better.


At YouMove Osteopathy in Mornington Peninsula that is exactly what we do! 


Evidence based osteopathy is a pragmatic approach to clinical evaluation and therapeutic treatment incorporating:


  1. Scientific literature.

  2. The osteopath’s experience.

  3. The individual preferences and characteristics of the person needing help.


Our Mornington Peninsula osteopaths understand how to analytically critique scientific research at a post graduate university level. An we have Masters level qualifications which involve significant hours performing and applying research.


The osteopaths at YouMove Osteopathy in Mornington Peninsula use their advanced research analytical skills and clinical expertise when searching for information to help you get better. Then develop osteopathic treatments using their experience, the most appropriate scientific reports and your individual needs.


Osteopath Clinic â€‹Mornington Peninsula


At YouMove Osteopathy in the Mornington Peninsula we make sure you are aware of the treatment options available to you so we can use the techniques your comfortable with. This goes for exercise prescription as well.


Not everyone wants to be given a huge list of exercises that they're just not going to do. On the other-hand, self-management is exactly what some people want. By keeping you involved in the treatment process, we avoid spending your time using an approach that just isn't going to work for you



Mornington Peninsula Osteopathy - Experienced Osteopaths


Every person in unique. So there is no silver bullet that will cure all pain. At YouMove Osteopathy you can expect a thorough examination which looks at addressing the key biomechanical issues responsible for your pain.




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